Keeping Up with a High Energy Dog

Some dogs are content to sleep the day away, while others seem to have boundless energy. If your dog never stops moving and is always looking to go on a walk or play, it can be exhausting. But if you don’t fulfill their need for activity, they may become bored and start causing trouble by […]
Choosing Safer Toys for Your Dog

December is Safe Toys and Gifts month and a great time to brush up on what makes a good toy for your dog. Just because a toy is marketed toward animals does not necessarily mean it is safe or appropriate for your pet. If you’re looking to pick up a new toy for your dog, […]
Dog Care: Preventing and Treating Fleas

Fleas can be an annoying – and itchy – issue for dog owners to deal with. Even if your dog doesn’t spend much time outdoors, go hiking in the woods, or play with other dogs, they can still be at risk for getting fleas. These tiny critters can attach themselves to your dog’s fur during […]
Moving with Your Pet

Moving into a new home can be an exciting adventure, but it also comes with a lot of packing and planning. Whether you’re moving across town, across the state, or across the country, you want to make sure your pet stays safe during the transition so they can enjoy your new home too. Update Their […]
Keep Your Pet Safe: Poison Prevention

While your home is intended to keep your pet safe, there are many potential hazards that exist. Being proactive in recognizing where there are risks and how you can prevent them can go a long way in protecting your animals. A major concern for dogs and cat is accidental poisoning. Products that are safe for […]
5 Dog Walking Tips for a More Enjoyable Outing

Taking your dog out for a walk seems like a pretty simple process. Clip on their leash, grab a few poop bags, and go. But there can be a lot of factors that affect your walk and how much you and your dog enjoy it. A few simple changes can make a big difference. 1. […]
Peanut Butter Lovers Month: Treating Your Dog

Did you know that November is Peanut Butter Lovers month? This is a holiday you and your dog can celebrate together. Most dogs love peanut butter, and peanut allergies in dogs are rare (though they can occur, so be aware). Here are a few tips for giving your dog this sticky treat. Read the label! […]
Protecting Your Dog from Fleas and Ticks

These pesky bugs can strike year-round, but they tend to be most active in warm, humid weather. A flea infestation can lead to itching and skin irritation for your dog, and ticks can carry a wide range of diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Taking steps to prevent flea and tick […]
Exercises for Your Dog When You’re Stuck Inside

Whether it’s storming outside or you’re staying in due to the coronavirus, being pent up can make you a little stir crazy. The same can apply to your dog if they’re used to running around and getting a lot of stimulation, and now they’re contained in a smaller area. The good news is that there […]
6 Tips to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Cleaner

Having clean, healthy teeth and gums is important for your dog’s well-being. Just like humans, dogs can develop cavities and gum disease and have their teeth fall out. Plus, tooth pain can be uncomfortable and make it harder for your dog to eat and play. Taking care of your dog’s teeth should be part of […]