Safety Tips to Protect Your Pet This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time when friends and family gather together, share a delicious meal, and express their gratitude. While your dog or cat may be a beloved part of the family, it may not be a good idea for them to partake in all of the festivities. Take steps to keep your pet safe this […]
Picking Pet-Friendly Plants for Your Yard

One of the perks of spring is that plants and trees begin to bloom and create a colorful landscape. As you spruce up your yard and start planning your flowerbeds, it is important to keep your pet’s safety in mind. There are many plants that are toxic to dogs, even in small quantities. If your […]
5 Benefits of Owning a Pet

Millions of people around the world own pets and consider them part of the family. While there are benefits to having a pet in general, dogs and cats are two of the most common choices. Having a four-legged friend at home can support your physical, mental, emotional, and social health. Here are just a few […]
Keep Your Pet Safe: Poison Prevention

While your home is intended to keep your pet safe, there are many potential hazards that exist. Being proactive in recognizing where there are risks and how you can prevent them can go a long way in protecting your animals. A major concern for dogs and cat is accidental poisoning. Products that are safe for […]
Practicing Effective Animal Safety and Prevention

For centuries, animals have coexisted alongside humans, and many people have made pets part of their families. Dogs and cats deserve to be well cared for and respected. October is National Animal Safety and Prevention Month and a great time to brush up on how to keep your pets safe and healthy. Schedule regular check-ups […]
Show You Care: Celebrating Pet Appreciation Week

Pets play an important role in our lives. They become another member of the family; a faithful companion. Pets bring us so much joy and comfort, and they deserve to know just how much they are loved. Since 1981, the first full week of June has been celebrated as Pet Appreciation Week. Here are a […]
Common Items That Can Be Dangerous to Pets

Dogs and cats are curious creatures. They like to explore and get into things. While their sniffing and licking are often harmless, it can become dangerous if they ingest the wrong thing. It is important to be alert to common dangers for pets that may not be dangerous to humans. There are plenty of items […]
Maintaining a Healthy Weight for Your Pet

Just like in humans, obesity in pets can be a serious health concern. It can put additional stress on their heart, lungs, and joints and increase risk of diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. Furthermore, it can reduce their life expectancy. Taking steps to keep your pet at a healthy weight can boost their health and […]
5 Autumn Safety Tips for Pet Owners

As the seasons change, so do potential safety risks for your pets. You may not be as worried about the heat or having them at a family barbecue or the pool, but there are other concerns to keep in mind. Autumn brings about its own slew of holidays and activities for you to be aware […]
How Owning a Dog Can Be Good for Your Body and Mind

Owning a dog is a lot of responsibility and hard work, but it can also come with a lot of rewards. Dogs become another member of the family and beloved companions. Many dogs can have a lifespan of more than 10 years, so they’re around for life’s ups and downs. Having a furry friend come […]