Should You Get Pet Insurance for Your Dog?

Accidents, illnesses, and emergencies happen all the time – for humans and animals alike. You likely help protect yourself with health insurance to offset expenses, but should you do the same for your dog? There are many pet insurance providers who offer different levels of coverage when it comes to services related to your pet’s […]

Keeping Your Pet Safe During a Storm

Hopefully you have a plan in place on how to protect yourself and your pets should you need to evacuate or shelter in place during hurricanes or other major disasters, but what about during normal storms that come and go? Many dogs and even cats get anxious during thunderstorms and can act out of character. […]

Helping Your Dog Learn to Be Alone

As much as you would love to spend all day every day playing with your dog and giving it your full attention, that’s not a realistic scenario. Chances are, you’ve got work, family, friends, and other obligations that take you away for at least part of the day. That means that your dog will have […]

6 Tips for Traveling with Your Pet

As summer approaches and the school year ends, many families are looking forward to going on vacation. Whether you’re headed to the beach, the mountains, or anywhere in between, planning and preparation are key. This is especially important if you are bringing your dog or cat along. You want to make sure that you have […]

Gearing Up for Flea and Tick Prevention

While one of the perks of living in the South is warmer weather throughout more of the year, this also means that flea and tick season lasts all year long. Even when temperatures start to drop, these pests can still survive indoors or in warm, damp spaces. As a pet owner, you want to be […]

Pet Poison Prevention Tips You Should Know

Dogs and cats can be very curious creatures. Turn your back for a moment, and they’re into something. Look away, and your plate is licked clean. Just as you safeguard your home to keep kids away from potentially poisonous substances, you should do the same for your pet. There are plenty of foods and products […]