Plant with Caution: Plants That are Toxic to Dogs

Many people plant a variety of flowers, vines, and shrubs as a way to spruce up their yard or even the inside of their home. Having some greenery can make the area seem more welcoming and aesthetically pleasing. But if your dog spends time outside, then you’ll want to be very cautious about exactly what […]

Keeping Up with a High Energy Dog

Every dog is different. Some are content to curl up on the floor and sleep the day away, while others are constantly on the go. It’s a good idea to do a little research before you adopt a dog and figure out which breeds might be the best fit for you. Talk to the rescue […]

6 Tips for Traveling with Your Pet

As summer approaches and the school year ends, many families are looking forward to going on vacation. Whether you’re headed to the beach, the mountains, or anywhere in between, planning and preparation are key. This is especially important if you are bringing your dog or cat along. You want to make sure that you have […]

Gearing Up for Flea and Tick Prevention

While one of the perks of living in the South is warmer weather throughout more of the year, this also means that flea and tick season lasts all year long. Even when temperatures start to drop, these pests can still survive indoors or in warm, damp spaces. As a pet owner, you want to be […]

3 Reasons to Microchip Your Pet

No one wants to think about their beloved pet becoming lost or stolen, but the truth is, it happens. It only takes a split second for your dog to dart off through a door left ajar or pull away on a leash that has gone slack. If you’ve recently moved, they may become disoriented and […]

What Is Heartworm Disease?

If you’re a dog owner, you’ve probably heard the term “heartworm disease” being thrown around and seen ads for heartworm prevention medications on TV or in magazines. But is it really necessary? And what is heartworm disease anyway? What are heartworms? Heartworms are literally worms that can live in a dog’s heart, lungs, and blood […]

Safety First: Preventing Dog Bites

Did you know that more than more than 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year, and one in five requires medical attention? Biting is not restricted to any specific breed or type of dog—there is always a risk, especially if the dog feels threatened or scared. While there’s no way to guarantee that […]

Outdoor Fun for You and Your Dog

As the weather warms up, it’s the perfect opportunity to spend more time outdoors with your dog and keep both of you active. Just like humans should be exercising several days a week for better health, dogs should be too! All of those extra treats and snacks can add up. Here are some fun ways […]

Pet Poison Prevention Tips You Should Know

Dogs and cats can be very curious creatures. Turn your back for a moment, and they’re into something. Look away, and your plate is licked clean. Just as you safeguard your home to keep kids away from potentially poisonous substances, you should do the same for your pet. There are plenty of foods and products […]