Is a Pet the Right Holiday Gift This Year?

Adding a pet to your family can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Dogs and cats can have such a positive impact on your life. But it is important to ensure you are adopting a pet at the right time so your family and the animal can have the best experience possible. Many children ask for […]

Keeping Your Dog Warm in Colder Weather

As winter approaches and temperatures drop, it can be pretty chilly when you’re taking your dog outside for a walk or letting them out in the backyard. Just as you get cold, your dog can too. Some dogs are able to handle colder weather better than others, but it is important for all dog owners […]

7 Ways to Be a Responsible Dog Owner

Owning a dog can be very rewarding, but it is also a big commitment. September is Responsible Dog Owner month, so we’re taking a closer look at a few ways you can become a better pet parent and improve your dog’s care and quality of life. Make Sure You’re Ready for the Commitment Dogs can […]

Preventing Boredom in Your Dog

It often seems that dogs are content to lay around and sleep the day away. While they do enjoy relaxing, they also require mental stimulation to stay happy and out of trouble. When dogs become bored, they often become destructive. This may include knocking over the trash, chewing on your favorite shoes, scratching furniture, barking […]

Dog Care: Preventing and Treating Fleas

Fleas can be an annoying – and itchy – issue for dog owners to deal with. Even if your dog doesn’t spend much time outdoors, go hiking in the woods, or play with other dogs, they can still be at risk for getting fleas. These tiny critters can attach themselves to your dog’s fur during […]

At Home Grooming Tips for Your Dog

Many dogs benefit from professional grooming every few weeks to keep their fur healthy, clean, and appropriately styled. A groomer knows just the right length and way to trim your dog’s fur to keep them looking and feeling their best. But there are things you can do at home between appointments to maintain their coat […]

Freshening Up Your Dog’s Breath

Cuddling and playing with your pup can be a lot of fun, but stinky breath can be a turnoff. The last thing you want is their hot breath in your face when it smells foul. While some odor is natural, your dog’s breath shouldn’t be unbearable. Chronic bad breath can be a sign of other […]

Is Now a Good Time to Get a Dog?

Have your kids been begging to get a dog? Have you been considering adopting a pet for companionship? Before you head to the shelter to make things official, it is important to decide if now is the right time to get a dog. This isn’t a decision that should be made in haste. Now may […]

Keeping Your Dog Looking (and Smelling) Good Between Grooms

Most dogs get groomed every few weeks or months depending on their breed and lifestyle. They don’t need weekly baths or trims. If your dog is fairly active or likes to be outdoors, you may find that they could use freshening up a little more often. Here are some ways to help keep your dog […]

What to Bring When Boarding Your Pet

When you go out of town, you want the peace of mind that your pet is safe and well cared for. Rather than having to find someone to stop in several times a day to feed your pet, let them out, take them on walks, and give them some play time, it can be easier […]