Protecting Your Pet from Theft

Dogs and cats become a beloved part of the family and wonderful companions. However, an estimated 2 million pets are stolen or lost each year, separating them from their owners. Unfortunately, only a small percentage are returned. February 14 is Pet Theft Awareness Day. Taking steps to keep your pet safe and protect them against […]

What to Look for When Choosing a Boarding Facility for Your Pet

As much as you may love to take your pet with you everywhere, sometimes that’s not possible. If you’re headed out on a business trip, family vacation, or other getaway, it may be necessary to find someone else to watch your pets. When you’re only gone for a few hours or maybe overnight, it can […]

Cool Summer Treats for Your Dog

As temperatures heat up, everyone is looking for ways to cool down – including your dog! While it’s a good idea to stay inside during the hottest part of the day, even mornings and evenings can be toasty, and sometimes you just have to be out in the afternoon. Aside from letting your dog run […]

Plant with Caution: Plants That are Toxic to Dogs

Many people plant a variety of flowers, vines, and shrubs as a way to spruce up their yard or even the inside of their home. Having some greenery can make the area seem more welcoming and aesthetically pleasing. But if your dog spends time outside, then you’ll want to be very cautious about exactly what […]

Keeping Up with a High Energy Dog

Every dog is different. Some are content to curl up on the floor and sleep the day away, while others are constantly on the go. It’s a good idea to do a little research before you adopt a dog and figure out which breeds might be the best fit for you. Talk to the rescue […]

3 Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Workplace

Do you hate walking away as your dog stares longingly out the window at you or barks at the door? Good news! June 17-21 is Take Your Pet to Work Week, and June 21 is Take Your Dog to Work Day! Okay, so maybe it’s only good news if your employer allows dogs in the […]

Gearing Up for Flea and Tick Prevention

While one of the perks of living in the South is warmer weather throughout more of the year, this also means that flea and tick season lasts all year long. Even when temperatures start to drop, these pests can still survive indoors or in warm, damp spaces. As a pet owner, you want to be […]

5 Ways You Can Help Prevent Animal Cruelty

Animals are an integral part of our world, be they pets or out in the wild. And while they have many self-defense strategies, it is also our job to protect them. April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month and a great time to learn more about ways you can be proactive and help. 1. […]

Outdoor Fun for You and Your Dog

As the weather warms up, it’s the perfect opportunity to spend more time outdoors with your dog and keep both of you active. Just like humans should be exercising several days a week for better health, dogs should be too! All of those extra treats and snacks can add up. Here are some fun ways […]

Dental Care Tips – For Your Dog!

By this point, you’re probably pretty familiar with the importance of good dental hygiene. You brush your teeth twice a day, visit the dentist twice a year, and make emergency trips if you’re feeling any discomfort. After all, poor oral health can increase your risk of infection, heart disease, gingivitis, tooth loss, and more. Did […]