5 Benefits of Boarding Your Dog

Your dog may be part of the family, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you take them everywhere you go. Going on vacation with a pet can be tricky depending on where you’re going, how you’re getting there, where you’re staying, and what you’re doing while there. It can be easier for you and your dog […]
6 Tips to Prevent Pet Theft

Your dog is a beloved member of your family, and the last thing you want is for it to go missing. Unfortunately, dog theft is an issue not just in the United States, but across the world. It is estimated that around 2 million dogs are stolen every year. Although any dog could be a […]
Is a Pet the Right Holiday Gift This Year?

Adding a pet to your family can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Dogs and cats can have such a positive impact on your life. But it is important to ensure you are adopting a pet at the right time so your family and the animal can have the best experience possible. Many children ask for […]
Home Alone: Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe

Whether you work in an office during the day or just have errands to run, your dog will be faced with spending time alone. Making this part of your routine and avoiding long, drawn out goodbyes can help reduce separation anxiety. Create an environment where your dog knows they have everything they need and that […]
Keeping Your Dog Warm in Colder Weather

As winter approaches and temperatures drop, it can be pretty chilly when you’re taking your dog outside for a walk or letting them out in the backyard. Just as you get cold, your dog can too. Some dogs are able to handle colder weather better than others, but it is important for all dog owners […]
Get Moving: Fun Ways to Exercise Your Dog

Dogs of all ages benefit from regular physical activity. It helps to manage their weight, strengthen and tone muscles, burn off excess energy, stimulate their mind, and more. Just a few extra pounds can put additional stress on your pet’s joints, affect their cardiovascular health, and put them at greater risk of diabetes. Cutting back […]
Preparing to Board Your Dog While You’re Away

Boarding your dog can give you greater peace of mind that your dog is safe and well cared for while you are away. It can be both a nerve-wracking and exciting experience for you and your pet. Asking questions and making sure you are prepared can help things go more smoothly and create a more […]
7 Ways to Be a Responsible Dog Owner

Owning a dog can be very rewarding, but it is also a big commitment. September is Responsible Dog Owner month, so we’re taking a closer look at a few ways you can become a better pet parent and improve your dog’s care and quality of life. Make Sure You’re Ready for the Commitment Dogs can […]
Preventing Boredom in Your Dog

It often seems that dogs are content to lay around and sleep the day away. While they do enjoy relaxing, they also require mental stimulation to stay happy and out of trouble. When dogs become bored, they often become destructive. This may include knocking over the trash, chewing on your favorite shoes, scratching furniture, barking […]
Dog Care: Preventing and Treating Fleas

Fleas can be an annoying – and itchy – issue for dog owners to deal with. Even if your dog doesn’t spend much time outdoors, go hiking in the woods, or play with other dogs, they can still be at risk for getting fleas. These tiny critters can attach themselves to your dog’s fur during […]