Keeping Your Pet Safer in the Car

Going on car rides is something that a lot of dogs enjoy, but even if your pet is content to stay at home, there will still be times when riding in the car is necessary. Taking your pet to get groomed, going to their annual checkup at the vet, dropping them off for boarding, or […]

Pet Safety: Recognizing Potential Toxins in Your Home

Part of being a responsible pet parent is being proactive about protecting your dog or cat from substances that could be dangerous to their health. Just as you child-proof your home for young kids, it’s important to do the same for your pets. While accidents do happen, you can keep your pet safer by recognizing […]

Fourth of July Safety Tips for Pet Owners

Fourth of July weekend is a major time for celebrations. People host barbeques, attend concerts, and set off fireworks. While these activities can be fun for humans, they can be incredibly stressful for pets. Some dogs become anxious in large crowds or when there is a lot of activity, especially if fireworks are involved. Know […]

Practicing Effective Animal Safety and Prevention

For centuries, animals have coexisted alongside humans, and many people have made pets part of their families. Dogs and cats deserve to be well cared for and respected. October is National Animal Safety and Prevention Month and a great time to brush up on how to keep your pets safe and healthy. Schedule regular check-ups […]

Can Pets Get or Spread Coronavirus?

There are still a lot of unknowns when it comes to the latest strain of coronavirus, COVID-19. But one thing that many scientists and medical professionals agree on is that pets have a very low likelihood of contracting and spreading the disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “We do not […]

Plant with Caution: Plants That are Toxic to Dogs

Many people plant a variety of flowers, vines, and shrubs as a way to spruce up their yard or even the inside of their home. Having some greenery can make the area seem more welcoming and aesthetically pleasing. But if your dog spends time outside, then you’ll want to be very cautious about exactly what […]

Keeping Your Pet Safe When Traveling in the Car

Even if you don’t frequently take your dog on car rides, chances are, they ride in the car at least sometimes, whether going to the vet, a boarding facility, doggie daycare, vacation, or to a friend’s house. You always make sure you and your children are properly buckled up, but what about your pet? Letting […]