Maintaining a Healthy Weight for Your Pet

Just like in humans, obesity in pets can be a serious health concern. It can put additional stress on their heart, lungs, and joints and increase risk of diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. Furthermore, it can reduce their life expectancy. Taking steps to keep your pet at a healthy weight can boost their health and […]

Social Distancing & Your Pet

Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believe that there is a very low risk of pets contracting (or spreading) COVID-19, it can still be a good idea to practice social distancing for your pet as well. In the grand scheme of things, there have been very few animals around the world that […]

Creating a First Aid Kit for Your Pet

When someone in your family gets injured, you likely head to the medicine cabinet or grab the first aid kit to fix them up. But what happens if your pet gets hurt? Do you have the supplies you need to help them? Having a designated pet first aid kit is not only handy to have […]

Can Pets Get or Spread Coronavirus?

There are still a lot of unknowns when it comes to the latest strain of coronavirus, COVID-19. But one thing that many scientists and medical professionals agree on is that pets have a very low likelihood of contracting and spreading the disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “We do not […]

Enhancing Your Dog’s Heart Health

February is American Heart Month and the perfect time to pay a little more attention to your dog’s heart health. Just like humans can develop heart disease and cardiovascular disease, dogs can too. While heart disease is genetic in some dogs, it can also develop as a result of aging, injury, or illness, putting all […]

Supporting Your Dog’s Digestive Health

When those big round eyes look up at you, it can be hard to resist sneaking your dog a taste of whatever you’re eating. But too much table food can be hard your dog’s digestive system. They weren’t made to eat the same diet as humans. In addition, some foods can be toxic to your […]

5 Tips for Boosting Your Pet’s Health

Healthy pets are happier pets. Part of being a responsible pet owner is ensuring that your dog, cat, or other animal is well taken care of and their needs are met. Ensuring that you have adequate time and proper finances to devote to caring for your pet should be a major consideration before adopting. Once […]

Cool Summer Treats for Your Dog

As temperatures heat up, everyone is looking for ways to cool down – including your dog! While it’s a good idea to stay inside during the hottest part of the day, even mornings and evenings can be toasty, and sometimes you just have to be out in the afternoon. Aside from letting your dog run […]

Gearing Up for Flea and Tick Prevention

While one of the perks of living in the South is warmer weather throughout more of the year, this also means that flea and tick season lasts all year long. Even when temperatures start to drop, these pests can still survive indoors or in warm, damp spaces. As a pet owner, you want to be […]

What Is Heartworm Disease?

If you’re a dog owner, you’ve probably heard the term “heartworm disease” being thrown around and seen ads for heartworm prevention medications on TV or in magazines. But is it really necessary? And what is heartworm disease anyway? What are heartworms? Heartworms are literally worms that can live in a dog’s heart, lungs, and blood […]