Dog Care: Preventing and Treating Fleas

Fleas can be an annoying – and itchy – issue for dog owners to deal with. Even if your dog doesn’t spend much time outdoors, go hiking in the woods, or play with other dogs, they can still be at risk for getting fleas. These tiny critters can attach themselves to your dog’s fur during […]

At Home Grooming Tips for Your Dog

Many dogs benefit from professional grooming every few weeks to keep their fur healthy, clean, and appropriately styled. A groomer knows just the right length and way to trim your dog’s fur to keep them looking and feeling their best. But there are things you can do at home between appointments to maintain their coat […]

Freshening Up Your Dog’s Breath

Cuddling and playing with your pup can be a lot of fun, but stinky breath can be a turnoff. The last thing you want is their hot breath in your face when it smells foul. While some odor is natural, your dog’s breath shouldn’t be unbearable. Chronic bad breath can be a sign of other […]

Is Now a Good Time to Get a Dog?

Have your kids been begging to get a dog? Have you been considering adopting a pet for companionship? Before you head to the shelter to make things official, it is important to decide if now is the right time to get a dog. This isn’t a decision that should be made in haste. Now may […]

Beat the Heat: Keeping Your Pet Hydrated

While dehydration can happen at any time of the year, it is more common during the summer months when temperatures are higher. Excessive panting can make your dog lose water more quickly. Walking on the hot pavement can increase water loss through their paws too. July is National Pet Hydration Awareness Month and a great […]

Welcoming Your New Kitten to Your Home

Adopting a kitten can be exciting because you get to watch it grow, develop, and become part of your family for years to come. But you can’t just bring a new kitten home and set it free. It is important to prepare and slowly introduce your pet to its surroundings so it can become acclimated […]

Take Your Pet to Work Week: Tips for a More Successful Day

While some offices are very professional and not appropriate to have your dog running around, others are more casual, and your pup could be a welcome addition. June 20-24 is Take Your Pet to Work Week, so whether you just take your dog along for the day or they become your newest co-worker, here are […]

Fourth of July Safety Tips for Pet Owners

Fourth of July weekend is a major time for celebrations. People host barbeques, attend concerts, and set off fireworks. While these activities can be fun for humans, they can be incredibly stressful for pets. Some dogs become anxious in large crowds or when there is a lot of activity, especially if fireworks are involved. Know […]

4 Benefits of Fostering a Pet

Animals end up in shelters every single day for a variety of reasons. Whether they were rescued, abandoned, or surrendered, these pets deserve loving homes. Fostering is a valuable way to help the shelter system avoid becoming overwhelmed and give animals a greater chance of being adopted. It can also help you decide if you’re […]

Summer Safety Tips for Your Dog

The temperature is heating up in the Carolinas, and families are spending more time outdoors with their pets. Whether you’re headed to the park, going for a hike, or enjoying an afternoon on your patio, you’ll want to make sure that you’re keeping your dog safe. Check the temperature of concrete or asphalt. If it’s […]