5 Tips for Boosting Your Pet’s Health

Healthy pets are happier pets. Part of being a responsible pet owner is ensuring that your dog, cat, or other animal is well taken care of and their needs are met. Ensuring that you have adequate time and proper finances to devote to caring for your pet should be a major consideration before adopting. Once […]
Keeping Your Dog Safe for Halloween

As the scary decorations go up, costumes are chosen, and pumpkins are carved, there’s no denying that Halloween is just around the corner. But as you and your family get ready for the festivities, have you considered your four-legged friends? You equip your kids with flashlights, phones, and chaperones, but what are you doing to […]
Keeping Your Pet Safe During a Storm

Hopefully you have a plan in place on how to protect yourself and your pets should you need to evacuate or shelter in place during hurricanes or other major disasters, but what about during normal storms that come and go? Many dogs and even cats get anxious during thunderstorms and can act out of character. […]
Cool Summer Treats for Your Dog

As temperatures heat up, everyone is looking for ways to cool down – including your dog! While it’s a good idea to stay inside during the hottest part of the day, even mornings and evenings can be toasty, and sometimes you just have to be out in the afternoon. Aside from letting your dog run […]
Plant with Caution: Plants That are Toxic to Dogs

Many people plant a variety of flowers, vines, and shrubs as a way to spruce up their yard or even the inside of their home. Having some greenery can make the area seem more welcoming and aesthetically pleasing. But if your dog spends time outside, then you’ll want to be very cautious about exactly what […]
4 Reasons to Board Your Cat During Your Next Trip

One of the benefits of owning a cat is that they tend to be fairly independent. They don’t need to be walked or let outside to go to the bathroom. They do well with a feeder and a litter box. Many of them enjoy sleeping the day away, watching for critters out the window, and […]
Beat the Heat: Keeping Your Pet Hydrated

Summer temperatures have soared and that can bring about a lot of health concerns for humans and animals alike. One of these issues is dehydration. Did you know that while humans’ bodies are about 60% water, dogs’ bodies are 80% water? Dogs should be drinking about 1 ounce of water for every pound of body […]
3 Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Workplace

Do you hate walking away as your dog stares longingly out the window at you or barks at the door? Good news! June 17-21 is Take Your Pet to Work Week, and June 21 is Take Your Dog to Work Day! Okay, so maybe it’s only good news if your employer allows dogs in the […]
Choosing a Pet When You Have Allergies

There’s a reason that dogs are considered man’s best friend. One look at those adorable eyes or a quick snuggle and it’s hard to resist. Cats can be pretty cute too. But no matter how much you love those furry animals, your allergies may not. But that doesn’t necessarily have to banish you to a […]
Gearing Up for Flea and Tick Prevention

While one of the perks of living in the South is warmer weather throughout more of the year, this also means that flea and tick season lasts all year long. Even when temperatures start to drop, these pests can still survive indoors or in warm, damp spaces. As a pet owner, you want to be […]