Can All Dogs Swim? Water Safety Tips

Contrary to popular belief, not all dogs are great swimmers. Some dogs simply aren’t built for the water. While they may have the ability to swim, that doesn’t mean that they enjoy it or are good at it. Other dogs can’t seem to stay away and love a good dip in the pool. In either […]
Should You Vacation with Your Dog?

After weeks of staying home, many families are looking to branch out a bit, visiting relatives or close friends, or going to a location where they know they can safely social distance. Some people have also taken to renting an RV or going camping to get away for a while. But as you travel, should […]
Water Safety: Keep Your Dog Safe This Summer

Contrary to what many people believe, not all dogs can swim, nor are all dogs good swimmers. Yes, they can “doggy paddle,” but it’s often an instinctive reflex when they hit the water. They may not be able to keep it up for longer periods of time to stay afloat. Swimming is something that dogs, […]