Fun Ways to Exercise with Your Dog

As the temperature begins to warm up and days get longer, it is time to shake off the winter blues and get active. Springtime is perfect to exercise with your dog because it’s not too hot or too cold – it’s just right for being outside. Staying physically active is important for both human and […]

4 Tips for Welcoming a New Puppy to Your Family

Adopting a puppy can be exciting and make your family feel more complete. Before you bring home a new dog, ensure that you have plenty of time to devote to training and paying attention to its needs and what it is doing. You don’t want to leave a puppy crated for hours when it is […]

Keeping Your Dog Stimulated While You Work from Home

Having people home all day can be exciting for your dog because they may see it as constant play time. There is always someone there to interact with. But if you’re busy trying to work from home, or your kids are engaged in remote learning, your dog can become a distraction. You can’t give them […]

6 Benefits of Doggie Daycare – Even If You Work from Home

Having multiple people together trying to work in one house – whether it’s adults working remotely or students attending virtual school – can be a lot to handle. Adding pets into the mix can make it chaotic. Even if it’s just you and your pup, they may still crave attention or get into mischief while […]

Keeping Your Pets Warm This Winter

As temperatures dip to near or below freezing, late nights and early mornings can be especially chilly for you and your dog. Remember that if it’s too cold for you, it’s likely too cold for your pet as well. Even though they have layers of fur, it only protects them so much. They can still […]

Maintaining a Healthy Weight for Your Pet

Just like in humans, obesity in pets can be a serious health concern. It can put additional stress on their heart, lungs, and joints and increase risk of diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. Furthermore, it can reduce their life expectancy. Taking steps to keep your pet at a healthy weight can boost their health and […]

Should You Vacation with Your Dog?

After weeks of staying home, many families are looking to branch out a bit, visiting relatives or close friends, or going to a location where they know they can safely social distance. Some people have also taken to renting an RV or going camping to get away for a while. But as you travel, should […]

Keeping Your Pet’s Coat Shiny and Healthy

Most dogs and cats are covered in fur – and often more than one layer. A dirty, dingy coat can be a sign of poor health or care and detract from your pet’s appearance. Many animals do a good job of grooming themselves and caring for their fur, but they can also benefit from support […]

Fourth of July Safety Tips for Dog Owners

The Fourth of July is a time of celebration. This hallmark of summer is often accentuated with cookouts, fireworks, and gatherings of friends and family. While fun for humans, these can be potentially dangerous events for pets. It is important to take steps to keep your dog safe, even if it is well-trained and adjusted. […]

Is It Too Hot Outside for Your Dog?

If you’re uncomfortable outside in the heat, chances are, your dog is too. Unlike humans, dogs do not sweat. They cool themselves down through panting. However, if it is excessively hot or humid out, they may not be able to keep themselves cool enough. This can be especially true for dogs with short snouts, often […]