Reducing Unwanted Barking

There are many reasons why dogs bark, and in some situations, it is fine, especially if they are playing or alerting you to danger. But if you are trying to work from home or watch a movie and your dog is barking at every noise they hear or movement they see, it can be frustrating. […]

Peanut Butter Lovers Month: Treating Your Dog

Did you know that November is Peanut Butter Lovers month? This is a holiday you and your dog can celebrate together. Most dogs love peanut butter, and peanut allergies in dogs are rare (though they can occur, so be aware). Here are a few tips for giving your dog this sticky treat. Read the label! […]

4 Benefits of Adopting a Senior Pet

November is not only National Senior Pet Month, but it is also Adopt a Senior Pet Month. Adoption helps to get existing animals who need loving homes out of shelters. If you are looking to welcome a dog or cat into your family, opting for an older animal can come with a lot of advantages. […]

Tips for Socializing Your Quarantine Dog

Millions of people adopted pets in 2020 during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. More people were working from home, limiting outings, and had plenty of time to spend with their new dog. However, many of these dogs missed the opportunity to socialize with others as families were quarantining. They became very comfortable with a […]

Pet Health: Preventing Obesity

Obesity, and the complications that come with it, is not just a problem for humans; it is a problem for pets as well. They too can be at increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, osteoarthritis, and more when they are overweight, which can seriously impact their overall health […]

Protecting Your Pet Against Rabies

When many people think of rabies, they think of wild animals. While animals such as raccoons, foxes, bats, and skunks are more likely to have rabies, it can affect dogs, cats, and humans as well. However, rabies is 100% preventable through vaccines and postexposure prophylaxis (PEP). In the United States, rabies in domesticated dogs is […]

Does My Pet Need to Be Vaccinated?

Just as humans benefit from vaccines to protect them against dangerous and potentially deadly diseases, so do pets. There are special vaccines designed to protect your dog or cat against viruses that are dangerous to animals (and even sometimes humans!). Getting your pet vaccinated can keep them safer and healthier. There are several core vaccines […]

Summer Heat: Keep Your Dog Cool and Safe

As the summer heat and humidity crank up, it is important to take steps to keep your dog from overheating. Dogs who are older or overweight may be at even greater risk in high temperatures and have a harder time cooling down on their own. Here are a few ways you can protect your pet’s […]

5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

This summer is gearing up to be a hot one in the Southeast. With temperatures soaring, it can be tempting to stay inside, but fresh air is good for you and your pets. The important thing is knowing how to stay safe, keep cool, and recognize signs of danger. Try to avoid going outside during […]

Caring for Your Dog’s Paws

Your dog’s feet are subject to a lot of wear. Every time they move around, they’re walking on their paws, exposing their feet to the elements and anything they step in or on. That’s why it is important to take good care of your dog’s paws so they stay healthy and your dog is comfortable. […]