Outdoor Fun for You and Your Dog

As the weather warms up, it’s the perfect opportunity to spend more time outdoors with your dog and keep both of you active. Just like humans should be exercising several days a week for better health, dogs should be too! All of those extra treats and snacks can add up. Here are some fun ways […]

Pet Poison Prevention Tips You Should Know

Dogs and cats can be very curious creatures. Turn your back for a moment, and they’re into something. Look away, and your plate is licked clean. Just as you safeguard your home to keep kids away from potentially poisonous substances, you should do the same for your pet. There are plenty of foods and products […]

Keeping Up Appearances: The Importance of Dog Grooming

First appearances say a lot. If your dog is dirty and unkempt, people may assume that it is not friendly or well cared for. They may be hesitant to interact. However, if your dog has a clean, well-trimmed coat, socialization can be easier. In addition, regular grooming is good for your dog’s health and well-being. […]

5 Reasons to Get Your Pet Spayed or Neutered

February is National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month—so if you’ve been on the fence about whether to have this done for your furry friend, there’s really no time like the present! Of course, not every pet owner wants to have their dog or cat sterilized. For example, you may harbor some ambitions to breed. For the majority […]

Getting a Dog: Are You Ready?

Dogs are fun and cute and exciting, but they are also a lot of work and commitment. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of having a dog, but is now the right time? Just because you want a dog doesn’t necessarily mean that now is the time to do it. You may want to wait a bit […]

Protecting Your Dog in Winter Weather

As the days get shorter and temperatures fall, there’s no denying that winter is quickly approaching. That also means that the chances of seeing snow and ice increase. With winter weather on the horizon, it’s important to take steps to protect your dog and keep him warm and safe. Spend more time indoors: If it’s […]