5 Considerations Before Adopting a Dog

Dogs can be incredible companions and bring a lot of joy to your life. But just because you want a dog doesn’t necessarily mean that right now is the best time to adopt one. Pets come with a great deal of responsibility and are a long-term commitment. Before you start checking out the shelters and […]
4 Considerations When Adopting a Dog

A dog can be a wonderful addition to your family, and there are so many animals in shelters that need loving homes. But before you go out and adopt a dog, make sure it’s the right time for you and your family, and that you’ve thought through the responsibilities that come with being a pet […]
Tips for Socializing Your Quarantine Dog

Millions of people adopted pets in 2020 during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. More people were working from home, limiting outings, and had plenty of time to spend with their new dog. However, many of these dogs missed the opportunity to socialize with others as families were quarantining. They became very comfortable with a […]
Preparing to Bring Home a Rescue Dog

Introducing a dog into your family can be an incredibly rewarding experience. They can bring so much joy and excitement and love. Adopting a rescue dog gives the animal another chance at finding its forever home. Pets can find their way into a shelter for any number of reasons, some good, some bad. But now […]
Is Now a Good Time to Adopt a Pet?

Pets can make a wonderful addition to the family and become loyal companions. But before you bring a dog or cat into your home, it’s a good idea to make sure that now is the right time to do so. You don’t want to adopt a pet on a whim only to realize you don’t […]
5 Benefits of Fostering a Pet

May is National Foster Care Month, and with everything happening with the coronavirus, many shelters need more foster homes to care for animals. Fostering gives animals a safe, temporary place to stay until they find their forever home, and it opens up space at shelters for other animals in need. While this can be an […]
6 Tips for Introducing a New Dog into Your Family

Getting a dog – whether a puppy or an adult – can be incredibly exciting. Many people grow up with dogs and can’t wait to have one as part of their own family. But being a pet owner is a lot of responsibility and not something to be taken lightly or done on a whim. […]
Getting a Dog: Are You Ready?

Dogs are fun and cute and exciting, but they are also a lot of work and commitment. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of having a dog, but is now the right time? Just because you want a dog doesn’t necessarily mean that now is the time to do it. You may want to wait a bit […]
5 Reasons to Adopt a Rescue Dog

Did you know that January 24 is “Change a Pet’s Life Day”? This day was created to raise awareness of pets in need of forever homes. There are millions of animals in shelters just waiting to be adopted. Unfortunately, this number keeps growing, and when pets are left for too long, they may be euthanized […]
4 Benefits of Owning a Dog

Owning a dog is great for the mind, body, and soul. Having a furry friend curled up next to you on the couch or eagerly waiting for you at the door when you get home is sure to bring a smile to your face. A dog is considered man’s best friend for good reason. Aside […]