Pet-Proofing Your Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are a part of many families’ homes during the holidays, but they can also be a hazard when pets are involved. Dogs and cats alike love to explore this large, twinkling object that looks perfect for climbing, includes dangling toys, and may even have water or food with it too. Take steps to […]

Do Cats Need to Be Boarded?

Cats are fairly self-sufficient creatures. They are pretty low maintenance for the most part and are fine being home for several hours a day by themselves. Even if you go out of town overnight, they should still be okay until the next day as long as you leave food, water, and a clean litter box. […]

Does My Pet Need to Be Vaccinated?

Just as humans benefit from vaccines to protect them against dangerous and potentially deadly diseases, so do pets. There are special vaccines designed to protect your dog or cat against viruses that are dangerous to animals (and even sometimes humans!). Getting your pet vaccinated can keep them safer and healthier. There are several core vaccines […]

3 Tips for Enticing Your Cat with Catnip

Catnip can be a wonderful natural treat to reward and entertain your cat. This aromatic herb is inexpensive, safe, and non-toxic and can be used fresh, dried, or as a spray. While around one-third of cats have little to no response to catnip, many others are quickly stimulated by the scent. Just one whiff can […]

5 Perks of Owning a Cat

Spending more time at home may have you thinking about getting a pet. A lot of people have found their pets to be a wonderful sense of comfort and enjoyment, especially during these challenging times. If you’re not quite ready for the demands of a dog, adopting a cat can be a great option. Just […]

Back to Work: Reducing Separation Anxiety for Your Pet

As states slowly begin easing restrictions and more people return to work or to the office, this can be a big change for everyone, including pets. For the past several weeks, your dog or cat has been used to having you home 24/7. When you go back to work and start leaving them alone for […]

8 New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Owners

Another year has come and gone, and as you’re writing up a list of changes you want to make in the new year, don’t forget to think about some resolutions that will benefit your pet as well. Animals can’t speak up and tell you what they need, so it’s up to you to pay attention […]