Reducing Unwanted Scratching Behavior in Clawed Cats

Claws are a natural part of your cat’s body, and they are used for hunting, self-defense, climbing, and other activities out in the wild. But if you have an indoor cat, it can be frustrating dealing with sharp nails, especially if they are used to tear up your furniture. However, there are ways to reduce […]

Aging Gracefully: Tips to Support Your Senior Cat

Adopting a cat can be a long-term commitment. Some cats can live well into their senior years, enjoying a lifespan of 11 to 15 years or more. But as they get older, their needs change. Their physical and mental health begins to decline. There are a variety of ways that you can boost your cat’s […]

Crazy for Catnip: Stimulating Your Cat’s Senses

Have you ever noticed that when catnip is around, your cat seems to be more playful, excited, or affectionate? This is a normal response to this aromatic plant. But given your cat’s response, you may be wondering if catnip is safe, especially if consumed. The good news is, yes, catnip is perfectly safe for your […]

Creating a Fun Indoor Space for Your Cat

Keeping your cat indoors is one way to maintain its safety. You never know what kinds of wildlife or danger it may encounter outside. But this lack of access to the great outdoors doesn’t have to mean that your cat is destined for a boring life. There are plenty of ways that you can keep […]

Bonding with Your New Cat

Getting a new pet is exciting, and you may already be imagining the cuddly relationship you will have with your cat. While some cats are quick to warm up and be held, others are more standoffish. Building a bond with your kitten or cat can take time, so be patient. Contrary to popular belief, many […]

DIY Toys Ideas to Keep Your Cat Entertained

Cats are naturally playful and inquisitive animals. If you’ve ever dropped something on the floor, you know how quickly they run to bat it around. Empty paper bag? They’re eager to explore and squeeze inside. While you can buy plenty of fancy toys to keep your cat entertained, there are also many low-cost options you […]

Cutting Down on Hairballs

Cleaning up hairballs is not the most glamorous way to spend your day, but it is a fairly normal part of being a cat owner. Cats tend to be pretty frequent and vigorous groomers, spending time carefully licking and smoothing their fur. Their tongues have a rough surface that helps remove loose fur from their […]

Welcoming Your New Kitten to Your Home

Adopting a kitten can be exciting because you get to watch it grow, develop, and become part of your family for years to come. But you can’t just bring a new kitten home and set it free. It is important to prepare and slowly introduce your pet to its surroundings so it can become acclimated […]

Caring for Your Cat: Reducing Hairballs

One of the less attractive aspects of owning a cat is cleaning up hairballs. However, the occasional hairball is completely normal and simply part of how cats function. While grooming, they lick their fur to remove dirt or dander as well as loose hairs. At the same time, they end up swallowing this fur and […]

5 Ways to Bond with Your New Cat

Cats often get a bad rap for being fickle and standoffish. While they can be sometimes, many cats like being around people, just on their own terms. You may notice your cat stays off to the side but likes being in the same room as you and watching what is happening. They like being the […]