These pesky bugs can strike year-round, but they tend to be most active in warm, humid weather. A flea infestation can lead to itching and skin irritation for your dog, and ticks can carry a wide range of diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Taking steps to prevent flea and tick problems can keep your dog healthier and more comfortable.
Consistent Prevention
Fight back against fleas and ticks throughout the year, not just during the warmer months. There are a variety of prescription and over-the-counter products you can use such as flea collars, topical treatments, or oral medications. Talk with your veterinarian to determine which solution may be the best fit for your pet. Be consistent about using it to provide continued protection, making sure not to skip any doses or applications.
Conduct Regular Flea/Tick Checks
When you come inside from spending time outdoors, or while you’re relaxing with your dog, take a few minutes to inspect for fleas or ticks. Check your dog’s ears, armpits, belly, and any folds of skin where these critters might hide. They like dark, warm, moist environments, but they could appear anywhere on your pet’s skin. If you do see a tick, remove it immediately, taking caution not to leave the head behind. Brush up on tick removal techniques so you are prepared.
Clean Your Home
Wash your pet’s bedding regularly to keep it clean and fresh and destroy any flea eggs lingering about. It can also be a good idea to wash any drapes periodically and vacuum carpeting, rugs, and furniture, especially those areas where your dog spends the most time.
Tidy Up Your Yard
Ticks love long grass and low hanging brush, so keep your yard trimmed and tidy. Clean up any leaves, grass clippings, or other debris, and steer your pet away from compost areas. Try to keep them from sniffing around dark, damp areas of the yard, or scooting under bushes where fleas and ticks are more likely to be living.
Keep Your Dog Groomed
Brushing your dog’s fur with a flea comb can detect any insects that are currently present. Regular brushing also helps to whisk away ticks that have not yet attached, and lets you see under your pet’s fur for any that may be hiding and prevents matting. You can also bathe your pet with flea shampoo to treat any issues you see. Professional bathing and grooming can also keep your pet looking their best while helping with flea and tick prevention.
If you enjoy hiking with your dog, live in a wooded area, or take your dog to sites where they’re interacting with other animals such as the dog park or a boarding facility, flea and tick prevention is a must for the health and safety of your pet. At Lake Wylie Pet Resort, all pets are required to be flea and tick-free to maintain a healthier environment and reduce risk of spreading infestations. For more information about boarding your pet or to schedule their next stay, contact us today!