Paw Press

Creating a home-away-from-home experience for your pet.

As winter approaches and temperatures drop, it can be pretty chilly when you’re taking your dog

Cats are fairly independent animals, but they still rely on their owners for their basic needs,

It can be hard to resist those sweet puppy dog eyes your dog gives you when

October is National Pet Wellness Month and a great time to reflect on what you’re doing

Dogs of all ages benefit from regular physical activity. It helps to manage their weight, strengthen

Boarding your dog can give you greater peace of mind that your dog is safe and

Owning a dog can be very rewarding, but it is also a big commitment. September is

It often seems that dogs are content to lay around and sleep the day away. While

Fleas can be an annoying – and itchy – issue for dog owners to deal with.

Many dogs benefit from professional grooming every few weeks to keep their fur healthy, clean, and

Cuddling and playing with your pup can be a lot of fun, but stinky breath can

Have your kids been begging to get a dog? Have you been considering adopting a pet