Home Alone: Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe

Whether you work in an office during the day or just have errands to run, your dog will be faced with spending time alone. Making this part of your routine and avoiding long, drawn out goodbyes can help reduce separation anxiety. Create an environment where your dog knows they have everything they need and that […]

Preparing to Board Your Dog While You’re Away

Boarding your dog can give you greater peace of mind that your dog is safe and well cared for while you are away. It can be both a nerve-wracking and exciting experience for you and your pet. Asking questions and making sure you are prepared can help things go more smoothly and create a more […]

Beat the Heat: Keeping Your Pet Hydrated

While dehydration can happen at any time of the year, it is more common during the summer months when temperatures are higher. Excessive panting can make your dog lose water more quickly. Walking on the hot pavement can increase water loss through their paws too. July is National Pet Hydration Awareness Month and a great […]

Take Your Pet to Work Week: Tips for a More Successful Day

While some offices are very professional and not appropriate to have your dog running around, others are more casual, and your pup could be a welcome addition. June 20-24 is Take Your Pet to Work Week, so whether you just take your dog along for the day or they become your newest co-worker, here are […]

Fourth of July Safety Tips for Pet Owners

Fourth of July weekend is a major time for celebrations. People host barbeques, attend concerts, and set off fireworks. While these activities can be fun for humans, they can be incredibly stressful for pets. Some dogs become anxious in large crowds or when there is a lot of activity, especially if fireworks are involved. Know […]

3 Tips to Help Prevent Heartworm Disease

Pet owners take a lot of steps to keep their dogs healthy such as feeding them a well-balanced diet, ensuring they get enough exercise, and keeping potentially toxic foods or products out of reach. Another issue to keep in mind, especially when the weather is warm, is heartworms. These parasites can infect your dog’s heart […]

Moving with Your Pet

Moving into a new home can be an exciting adventure, but it also comes with a lot of packing and planning. Whether you’re moving across town, across the state, or across the country, you want to make sure your pet stays safe during the transition so they can enjoy your new home too. Update Their […]

Why You Should Adopt a Shelter Pet

Shelters across the country become a lifeline for animals that are lost, abandoned, homeless, or facing other situations where they are unable to remain with their owners. These pets are looking for loving families to adopt and care for them. Rather than buying a puppy or kitten from a breeder, there are many benefits of […]

5 Tips to Prevent Lost Pets

Many people consider their dog to be a part of the family. Losing them can feel like losing a loved one. Unfortunately, pets wander off every single day, whether they get spooked and run, are chasing another animal, or slip out of an open door or under a fence. There are several ways you can […]

Keep Your Pet Safe: Poison Prevention

While your home is intended to keep your pet safe, there are many potential hazards that exist. Being proactive in recognizing where there are risks and how you can prevent them can go a long way in protecting your animals. A major concern for dogs and cat is accidental poisoning. Products that are safe for […]