5 Summer Grooming Tips for Your Dog

With summer temperatures soaring, everyone is looking for ways to keep cool – including your pets! But while you may think your dog is sweating under that thick coat of fur, that may not necessarily be the case. Your dog’s fur acts as an insulator to keep them warm in the winter, but it can […]

Exercises for Your Dog When You’re Stuck Inside

Whether it’s storming outside or you’re staying in due to the coronavirus, being pent up can make you a little stir crazy. The same can apply to your dog if they’re used to running around and getting a lot of stimulation, and now they’re contained in a smaller area. The good news is that there […]

6 Tips to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Cleaner

Having clean, healthy teeth and gums is important for your dog’s well-being. Just like humans, dogs can develop cavities and gum disease and have their teeth fall out. Plus, tooth pain can be uncomfortable and make it harder for your dog to eat and play. Taking care of your dog’s teeth should be part of […]

Managing Your Dog’s Dry Skin During Winter

Cold air and low humidity don’t just dry out your skin; they can have the same effect on your dog! If you notice your dog is scratching a lot, develops dandruff, or has an oilier than normal coat, it may be caused by dry skin. There are various medical conditions that can contribute to dry […]

Preparing Your Dog for Cold Weather

Temperatures in the Carolinas are quickly falling, and that is leaving many people reaching for their coats and scarves and turning up the heat. Even though your dog is covered in fur, it does not totally protect them from the cold weather; they get cold too! That is why it is important to take steps […]

Caring for a Senior Dog

Before you know it, that energetic little puppy you had has grown into a senior dog. As your pet ages, they may begin to slow down a bit and experience more health problems. Knowing how to care for them as they get older can help ensure they stay as healthy as possible and make the […]

Keeping Your Dog Safe for Halloween

As the scary decorations go up, costumes are chosen, and pumpkins are carved, there’s no denying that Halloween is just around the corner. But as you and your family get ready for the festivities, have you considered your four-legged friends? You equip your kids with flashlights, phones, and chaperones, but what are you doing to […]

Keeping Your Pet Safe During a Storm

Hopefully you have a plan in place on how to protect yourself and your pets should you need to evacuate or shelter in place during hurricanes or other major disasters, but what about during normal storms that come and go? Many dogs and even cats get anxious during thunderstorms and can act out of character. […]

Helping Your Dog Learn to Be Alone

As much as you would love to spend all day every day playing with your dog and giving it your full attention, that’s not a realistic scenario. Chances are, you’ve got work, family, friends, and other obligations that take you away for at least part of the day. That means that your dog will have […]

Cool Summer Treats for Your Dog

As temperatures heat up, everyone is looking for ways to cool down – including your dog! While it’s a good idea to stay inside during the hottest part of the day, even mornings and evenings can be toasty, and sometimes you just have to be out in the afternoon. Aside from letting your dog run […]