Millions of people around the world own pets and consider them part of the family. While there are benefits to having a pet in general, dogs and cats are two of the most common choices. Having a four-legged friend at home can support your physical, mental, emotional, and social health. Here are just a few of the ways a pet can make a difference in your overall health and well-being.
1. Increased Physical Activity
When you have a dog, it encourages a more active lifestyle. You will find yourself going on multiple walks per day, chasing your pup around to play, and getting up to see what it is barking at or where it is. Energetic dogs are great running companions as well. Even taking your pet for a long stroll helps you get in more steps per day.
2. Reduced Stress
Simply being around a dog or cat can decrease production of the stress hormone cortisol. Taking time to stroke your pet’s back, rub their belly, or scratch their head can provide a calming effect and make you feel relaxed. That repetitive motion is soothing.
Your pet is also a great listener because they give you their full attention, don’t judge, and don’t talk back. They simply want to be near you and be loved. Sharing the frustrations of your day with your cat can help you unwind and let go of tension.
3. Improved Mood
It’s hard to stay mad or upset with a pair of loving puppy eyes staring back at you. Your cat or dog can also help curb loneliness and depression by keeping you company and requiring some of your focus and attention. Watching your kitten bat around a ball of foil, pounce on a beam of light, or chase a piece of string can be entertaining. Seeing your dog’s excitement when you toss a ball, get out their favorite toy, or even walk in the door after being outside can bring a smile to your face and make you feel loved.
4. Greater Sense of Purpose
Having a dog can add more structure and routine to your life. You have to get up in the morning to let it outside, feed it at mealtimes, make sure it has fresh water, and take it on walks for exercise. You can build these activities into your daily schedule, and it gives you something to look forward to.
In addition, you know that your dog or cat depends on you. They can’t do many of those things for themselves, and they rely on you to make sure they are fed, hydrated, groomed, and healthy. If they are sick or injured, you are the one who must take them to the vet and care for them. And in return, they give you unconditional love and attention.
5. Casual Socialization
A dog can be a wonderful way of breaking the ice and meeting others. When you’re out walking, people may smile at you, say hello, or ask if they can pet your dog. Having a cute pup can make you appear more approachable. It also gives you a topic of conversation that you feel more comfortable discussing. Talking about your dog can be easier than making other small talk. Plus, if they are also a pet owner, you already have something in common. For many people, a dog can help ease anxiety and stress in social situations.
Being a pet owner is a lot of responsibility and commitment, but it can also be very rewarding. Do your research to find an animal that is the right fit for you, your lifestyle, and your budget. Keep your dog looking its best by scheduling a grooming appointment at Lake Wylie Pet Resort. Don’t forget we also board both dogs and cats to give you peace of mind while you’re away and ensure your pet’s needs are met.