Should You Get Your Dog Groomed in Winter?

Many people assume that they can take a break from regular grooming appointments over the winter because their dog needs a thicker, longer coat to stay warm. But grooming isn’t just about ridding them of thick layers of fur to keep cool. Winter comes with its own set of needs when it comes to maintaining […]

Keeping Your Pets Warm This Winter

As temperatures dip to near or below freezing, late nights and early mornings can be especially chilly for you and your dog. Remember that if it’s too cold for you, it’s likely too cold for your pet as well. Even though they have layers of fur, it only protects them so much. They can still […]

Managing Your Dog’s Dry Skin During Winter

Cold air and low humidity don’t just dry out your skin; they can have the same effect on your dog! If you notice your dog is scratching a lot, develops dandruff, or has an oilier than normal coat, it may be caused by dry skin. There are various medical conditions that can contribute to dry […]

Protecting Your Dog in Winter Weather

As the days get shorter and temperatures fall, there’s no denying that winter is quickly approaching. That also means that the chances of seeing snow and ice increase. With winter weather on the horizon, it’s important to take steps to protect your dog and keep him warm and safe. Spend more time indoors: If it’s […]