Why You Should Adopt a Shelter Pet

Shelters across the country become a lifeline for animals that are lost, abandoned, homeless, or facing other situations where they are unable to remain with their owners. These pets are looking for loving families to adopt and care for them. Rather than buying a puppy or kitten from a breeder, there are many benefits of […]

Preparing to Bring Home a Rescue Dog

Introducing a dog into your family can be an incredibly rewarding experience. They can bring so much joy and excitement and love. Adopting a rescue dog gives the animal another chance at finding its forever home. Pets can find their way into a shelter for any number of reasons, some good, some bad. But now […]

5 Reasons to Adopt a Rescue Dog

Did you know that January 24 is “Change a Pet’s Life Day”? This day was created to raise awareness of pets in need of forever homes. There are millions of animals in shelters just waiting to be adopted. Unfortunately, this number keeps growing, and when pets are left for too long, they may be euthanized […]