Keeping Your Pet Safe While Cleaning Your Home

Maintaining a clean home is beneficial for both your physical and mental health, as well as the longevity of your flooring, counters, furniture, appliances, and other assets. But the products that you use play an important role. While you want to select solutions that will remove dirt, grime, bacteria, and stains, you also want to […]
Aging Gracefully: Tips to Support Your Senior Cat

Adopting a cat can be a long-term commitment. Some cats can live well into their senior years, enjoying a lifespan of 11 to 15 years or more. But as they get older, their needs change. Their physical and mental health begins to decline. There are a variety of ways that you can boost your cat’s […]
Preparing Your Cat for Boarding

Cats are fairly independent animals, but they still rely on their owners for their basic needs, such as a clean litter box, fresh water, and daily food. They are also social creatures – even if it is on their own terms. Your cat may not like to snuggle in your lap, but you’ll probably find […]
What to Bring When Boarding Your Pet

When you go out of town, you want the peace of mind that your pet is safe and well cared for. Rather than having to find someone to stop in several times a day to feed your pet, let them out, take them on walks, and give them some play time, it can be easier […]
5 Ways to Bond with Your New Cat

Cats often get a bad rap for being fickle and standoffish. While they can be sometimes, many cats like being around people, just on their own terms. You may notice your cat stays off to the side but likes being in the same room as you and watching what is happening. They like being the […]
5 Considerations When Choosing a Boarding Facility

Leaving your dog is never easy, but you can have greater peace of mind knowing they are in the capable hands of a safe, reputable boarding facility. No two facilities are exactly the same, so it is a good idea to do some research and find one that is a good fit for your dog […]
Do Cats Need to Be Boarded?

Cats are fairly self-sufficient creatures. They are pretty low maintenance for the most part and are fine being home for several hours a day by themselves. Even if you go out of town overnight, they should still be okay until the next day as long as you leave food, water, and a clean litter box. […]
Does My Pet Need to Be Vaccinated?

Just as humans benefit from vaccines to protect them against dangerous and potentially deadly diseases, so do pets. There are special vaccines designed to protect your dog or cat against viruses that are dangerous to animals (and even sometimes humans!). Getting your pet vaccinated can keep them safer and healthier. There are several core vaccines […]
What to Bring When Boarding Your Pet

When you know you will be out of town – or there will be a lot of activity at your house – boarding your dog or cat can give you peace of mind that they are safe and well cared for. But it is not as easy as just dropping them off and heading out. […]
3 Reasons to Board Your Cat – Outside of Traveling

One of the most common reasons people choose to board their cats is because they are going on vacation. When you know you will be away for several days, it can give you peace of mind to know that your cat is safe, secure, and well cared for at a pet resort or boarding facility. […]