Dog Days of Summer: Protecting Your Dog in the Heat

Some dogs are more heat-tolerant than others, but as temperatures climb, it’s important to take steps to protect your dog’s health. Making some simple changes in your daily routine can have a positive impact and keep your furry friend more comfortable. Remember that brachycephalic breeds (those with flatter faces and shorter snouts) often have more […]

Is a Pet the Right Holiday Gift This Year?

Adding a pet to your family can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Dogs and cats can have such a positive impact on your life. But it is important to ensure you are adopting a pet at the right time so your family and the animal can have the best experience possible. Many children ask for […]

Home Alone: Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe

Whether you work in an office during the day or just have errands to run, your dog will be faced with spending time alone. Making this part of your routine and avoiding long, drawn out goodbyes can help reduce separation anxiety. Create an environment where your dog knows they have everything they need and that […]

Fourth of July Safety Tips for Pet Owners

Fourth of July weekend is a major time for celebrations. People host barbeques, attend concerts, and set off fireworks. While these activities can be fun for humans, they can be incredibly stressful for pets. Some dogs become anxious in large crowds or when there is a lot of activity, especially if fireworks are involved. Know […]

Pet Preparedness: Are You Ready for an Emergency?

Not only is June the start of hurricane season, it is also National Pet Preparedness Month. Not a coincidence. Many families plan for what they will do, where they will go, and what they will bring in the event of an emergency, but what about your pets? Have you made considerations for their needs? Whether […]

Is Now a Good Time to Adopt a Pet?

Pets can make a wonderful addition to the family and become loyal companions. But before you bring a dog or cat into your home, it’s a good idea to make sure that now is the right time to do so. You don’t want to adopt a pet on a whim only to realize you don’t […]

5 Autumn Safety Tips for Pet Owners

As the seasons change, so do potential safety risks for your pets. You may not be as worried about the heat or having them at a family barbecue or the pool, but there are other concerns to keep in mind. Autumn brings about its own slew of holidays and activities for you to be aware […]

Creating a First Aid Kit for Your Pet

When someone in your family gets injured, you likely head to the medicine cabinet or grab the first aid kit to fix them up. But what happens if your pet gets hurt? Do you have the supplies you need to help them? Having a designated pet first aid kit is not only handy to have […]

Children & Pets: Creating a Safe Environment

Growing up with a pet can be an incredible experience for children. They learn responsibility and compassion, but also have a fun companion – someone to play with and tell secrets to. However, it is important for parents to create a safe environment so both children and animals are comfortable and do not feel threatened. […]

Enhancing Your Dog’s Heart Health

February is American Heart Month and the perfect time to pay a little more attention to your dog’s heart health. Just like humans can develop heart disease and cardiovascular disease, dogs can too. While heart disease is genetic in some dogs, it can also develop as a result of aging, injury, or illness, putting all […]