Protecting Your Pets Against Heartworm Disease

Keeping your pets safe and healthy is part of your responsibility as their owner. There are things you do every day to protect their well-being such as giving them nutritious food and clean water, putting them on a leash when you go outside, not leaving them alone in the car, keeping potentially dangerous or toxic […]

4 Reasons to Get Your Dog Microchipped

Dogs are part of the family, and you want to keep them safe. You do things every day to protect their well-being such as putting them on a leash when you go out for a walk, making sure they’re eating healthy food and have clean water, picking up objects around the house they shouldn’t have, […]

Dog Days of Summer: Protecting Your Dog in the Heat

Some dogs are more heat-tolerant than others, but as temperatures climb, it’s important to take steps to protect your dog’s health. Making some simple changes in your daily routine can have a positive impact and keep your furry friend more comfortable. Remember that brachycephalic breeds (those with flatter faces and shorter snouts) often have more […]

Non-Food Options for Rewarding Your Dog

When your dog does well with its training, follows commands, or is a good listener, it can be tempting to reward it by giving it a treat. After all, many dogs are food-driven and will happily accept a dog treat or food scraps. But those extra calories throughout the day can add up. Too many […]

Creating Emergency Preparedness Plans for Your Pet

You never know when a disaster may strike. From snowstorms and hurricanes to tornados and fires, there are a multitude of reasons why you may need to evacuate your home. Even a power outage could displace you. If that happens, are you prepared to take your pets along? Do you have everything you need to […]

4 Considerations When Adopting a Dog

A dog can be a wonderful addition to your family, and there are so many animals in shelters that need loving homes. But before you go out and adopt a dog, make sure it’s the right time for you and your family, and that you’ve thought through the responsibilities that come with being a pet […]

Lost Pet Prevention: Keeping Your Dog Safer

Your dog is an integral part of your family, so keeping them safe is a top priority. Unfortunately, millions of pets go missing in the United States every single year. Taking steps to protect your pet and make sure they have updated identification can increase the chances of reunification if your dog should become lost. […]

Cutting Down on Hairballs

Cleaning up hairballs is not the most glamorous way to spend your day, but it is a fairly normal part of being a cat owner. Cats tend to be pretty frequent and vigorous groomers, spending time carefully licking and smoothing their fur. Their tongues have a rough surface that helps remove loose fur from their […]

Get Moving: Boosting Your Dog’s Physical Fitness

There is nothing cuter than seeing your dog all curled up sleeping or just relaxing. But if it seems like your dog spends the majority of its day laying around, its sedentary lifestyle could be taking a toll on its health. Obesity in dogs brings about many of the same concerns as it does in […]

Helping Your Pet Stay Hydrated

Water is an important part of your pet’s diet, just like it is for humans. Water not only helps with digestion and flushing out toxins, but it also assists with temperature regulation. As the weather gets warmer and temperatures continue to rise, it is a good idea to get your pet in the habit of […]