5 Ways You Can Help Prevent Animal Cruelty

Animals are an integral part of our world, be they pets or out in the wild. And while they have many self-defense strategies, it is also our job to protect them. April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month and a great time to learn more about ways you can be proactive and help. 1. […]

Safety First: Preventing Dog Bites

Did you know that more than more than 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year, and one in five requires medical attention? Biting is not restricted to any specific breed or type of dog—there is always a risk, especially if the dog feels threatened or scared. While there’s no way to guarantee that […]

Outdoor Fun for You and Your Dog

As the weather warms up, it’s the perfect opportunity to spend more time outdoors with your dog and keep both of you active. Just like humans should be exercising several days a week for better health, dogs should be too! All of those extra treats and snacks can add up. Here are some fun ways […]

5 Reasons to Get Your Pet Spayed or Neutered

February is National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month—so if you’ve been on the fence about whether to have this done for your furry friend, there’s really no time like the present! Of course, not every pet owner wants to have their dog or cat sterilized. For example, you may harbor some ambitions to breed. For the majority […]

5 Reasons to Adopt a Rescue Dog

Did you know that January 24 is “Change a Pet’s Life Day”? This day was created to raise awareness of pets in need of forever homes. There are millions of animals in shelters just waiting to be adopted. Unfortunately, this number keeps growing, and when pets are left for too long, they may be euthanized […]

Keeping Your Pet Safe When Traveling in the Car

Even if you don’t frequently take your dog on car rides, chances are, they ride in the car at least sometimes, whether going to the vet, a boarding facility, doggie daycare, vacation, or to a friend’s house. You always make sure you and your children are properly buckled up, but what about your pet? Letting […]

5 Pet Safety Tips for the Holidays

The holidays are in full swing with the New Year quickly approaching, which means many people have decked out their homes with holiday décor. You may be planning get-togethers with family, friends, or coworkers at your home too. Everyone is in the holiday spirit. However, if you have a dog or cat, all of the […]

Are Human Foods Safe for Dogs?

As you’re sitting down to dinner or eating a snack, it can be tempting to sneak your dog a taste, especially when they look up at you with those big puppy eyes. You may be thinking, “What’s the harm? A little bit won’t hurt.” In some cases, this is true. There are many human foods […]

Protecting Your Dog in Winter Weather

As the days get shorter and temperatures fall, there’s no denying that winter is quickly approaching. That also means that the chances of seeing snow and ice increase. With winter weather on the horizon, it’s important to take steps to protect your dog and keep him warm and safe. Spend more time indoors: If it’s […]

Preparing to Board Your Dog

In a perfect world, you could take your dog with you anywhere, anytime. But in reality, you’re often forced to leave your dog behind for work trips, vacations, or emergencies. When you can’t be with them, you want to ensure that they’re safe and well cared for. Sometimes you may be able to leave them […]