Protecting Your Pets Against Heartworm Disease

Keeping your pets safe and healthy is part of your responsibility as their owner. There are things you do every day to protect their well-being such as giving them nutritious food and clean water, putting them on a leash when you go outside, not leaving them alone in the car, keeping potentially dangerous or toxic […]

3 Tips to Help Prevent Heartworm Disease

Pet owners take a lot of steps to keep their dogs healthy such as feeding them a well-balanced diet, ensuring they get enough exercise, and keeping potentially toxic foods or products out of reach. Another issue to keep in mind, especially when the weather is warm, is heartworms. These parasites can infect your dog’s heart […]

What Is Heartworm Disease?

If you’re a dog owner, you’ve probably heard the term “heartworm disease” being thrown around and seen ads for heartworm prevention medications on TV or in magazines. But is it really necessary? And what is heartworm disease anyway? What are heartworms? Heartworms are literally worms that can live in a dog’s heart, lungs, and blood […]