Reducing Unwanted Barking

There are many reasons why dogs bark, and in some situations, it is fine, especially if they are playing or alerting you to danger. But if you are trying to work from home or watch a movie and your dog is barking at every noise they hear or movement they see, it can be frustrating. […]

Tips for Socializing Your Quarantine Dog

Millions of people adopted pets in 2020 during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. More people were working from home, limiting outings, and had plenty of time to spend with their new dog. However, many of these dogs missed the opportunity to socialize with others as families were quarantining. They became very comfortable with a […]

Fun Ways to Exercise with Your Dog

As the temperature begins to warm up and days get longer, it is time to shake off the winter blues and get active. Springtime is perfect to exercise with your dog because it’s not too hot or too cold – it’s just right for being outside. Staying physically active is important for both human and […]

Keeping Your Dog Stimulated While You Work from Home

Having people home all day can be exciting for your dog because they may see it as constant play time. There is always someone there to interact with. But if you’re busy trying to work from home, or your kids are engaged in remote learning, your dog can become a distraction. You can’t give them […]

6 Benefits of Doggie Daycare – Even If You Work from Home

Having multiple people together trying to work in one house – whether it’s adults working remotely or students attending virtual school – can be a lot to handle. Adding pets into the mix can make it chaotic. Even if it’s just you and your pup, they may still crave attention or get into mischief while […]

Keeping Up with a High Energy Dog

Every dog is different. Some are content to curl up on the floor and sleep the day away, while others are constantly on the go. It’s a good idea to do a little research before you adopt a dog and figure out which breeds might be the best fit for you. Talk to the rescue […]

Beat the Heat: Keeping Your Pet Hydrated

Summer temperatures have soared and that can bring about a lot of health concerns for humans and animals alike. One of these issues is dehydration. Did you know that while humans’ bodies are about 60% water, dogs’ bodies are 80% water? Dogs should be drinking about 1 ounce of water for every pound of body […]

3 Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Workplace

Do you hate walking away as your dog stares longingly out the window at you or barks at the door? Good news! June 17-21 is Take Your Pet to Work Week, and June 21 is Take Your Dog to Work Day! Okay, so maybe it’s only good news if your employer allows dogs in the […]

5 Ways You Can Help Prevent Animal Cruelty

Animals are an integral part of our world, be they pets or out in the wild. And while they have many self-defense strategies, it is also our job to protect them. April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month and a great time to learn more about ways you can be proactive and help. 1. […]

Safety First: Preventing Dog Bites

Did you know that more than more than 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year, and one in five requires medical attention? Biting is not restricted to any specific breed or type of dog—there is always a risk, especially if the dog feels threatened or scared. While there’s no way to guarantee that […]