5 Considerations Before Adopting a Dog

Dogs can be incredible companions and bring a lot of joy to your life. But just because you want a dog doesn’t necessarily mean that right now is the best time to adopt one. Pets come with a great deal of responsibility and are a long-term commitment. Before you start checking out the shelters and […]

No Tricks or Treats: Keeping Your Dog Safe on Halloween

Halloween can be exciting for kids, but not so much for pets. Dogs and cats can become anxious or overwhelmed with all of the noise, lights, and movement. The constant ringing of the doorbell, yelling of “trick or treat”, people walking by, and the flashing lights and music from decorations can be too much. Plus, […]

What is Rabies? Protecting Your Dog

Rabies is a virus that dogs often contract after being bitten by or coming into contact with bodily fluids from an infected animal. Wildlife such as raccoons, skunks, bats, coyotes, squirrels, and foxes are common carriers of the virus. Unfortunately, rabies is almost always fatal in dogs, but the risk of contracting this disease can […]

Get Moving: Boosting Your Dog’s Physical Fitness

There is nothing cuter than seeing your dog all curled up sleeping or just relaxing. But if it seems like your dog spends the majority of its day laying around, its sedentary lifestyle could be taking a toll on its health. Obesity in dogs brings about many of the same concerns as it does in […]

9 Tips to Be a More Responsible Pet Owner

February is Responsible Pet Owner Month, and we’re taking a closer look at what that means and how you can improve your efforts. Owning a pet is a significant responsibility, as you are committing to caring for and loving your pet for the duration of their life. Before adopting a pet, make sure you consider […]

Keeping Your Dog Active in Winter

For many parts of the country, winter means colder weather. Sometimes snow, ice, or freezing temperatures can keep you from being able to spend as much time outdoors with your dog as you would like. But that doesn’t mean your dog can’t still get plenty of exercise and activity in order to burn off energy […]

Home Alone: Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe

Whether you work in an office during the day or just have errands to run, your dog will be faced with spending time alone. Making this part of your routine and avoiding long, drawn out goodbyes can help reduce separation anxiety. Create an environment where your dog knows they have everything they need and that […]

Get Moving: Fun Ways to Exercise Your Dog

Dogs of all ages benefit from regular physical activity. It helps to manage their weight, strengthen and tone muscles, burn off excess energy, stimulate their mind, and more. Just a few extra pounds can put additional stress on your pet’s joints, affect their cardiovascular health, and put them at greater risk of diabetes. Cutting back […]

7 Ways to Be a Responsible Dog Owner

Owning a dog can be very rewarding, but it is also a big commitment. September is Responsible Dog Owner month, so we’re taking a closer look at a few ways you can become a better pet parent and improve your dog’s care and quality of life. Make Sure You’re Ready for the Commitment Dogs can […]

Preventing Boredom in Your Dog

It often seems that dogs are content to lay around and sleep the day away. While they do enjoy relaxing, they also require mental stimulation to stay happy and out of trouble. When dogs become bored, they often become destructive. This may include knocking over the trash, chewing on your favorite shoes, scratching furniture, barking […]