5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

This summer is gearing up to be a hot one in the Southeast. With temperatures soaring, it can be tempting to stay inside, but fresh air is good for you and your pets. The important thing is knowing how to stay safe, keep cool, and recognize signs of danger. Try to avoid going outside during […]
Beat the Heat: Keeping Your Pet Hydrated

Summer temperatures have soared and that can bring about a lot of health concerns for humans and animals alike. One of these issues is dehydration. Did you know that while humans’ bodies are about 60% water, dogs’ bodies are 80% water? Dogs should be drinking about 1 ounce of water for every pound of body […]
Protecting Pets from Summer Heat

Just as you probably don’t enjoy spending much time outside when it is stifling hot and the humidity is high, your pet likely doesn’t either. Dogs are sensitive to heat just like humans and can suffer from overheating or heat stroke. Taking steps to protect your dog and ensure they have plenty of opportunities to […]