8 New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Owners

Another year has come and gone, and as you’re writing up a list of changes you want to make in the new year, don’t forget to think about some resolutions that will benefit your pet as well. Animals can’t speak up and tell you what they need, so it’s up to you to pay attention […]

Supporting Your Dog’s Digestive Health

When those big round eyes look up at you, it can be hard to resist sneaking your dog a taste of whatever you’re eating. But too much table food can be hard your dog’s digestive system. They weren’t made to eat the same diet as humans. In addition, some foods can be toxic to your […]

Preparing Your Dog for Cold Weather

Temperatures in the Carolinas are quickly falling, and that is leaving many people reaching for their coats and scarves and turning up the heat. Even though your dog is covered in fur, it does not totally protect them from the cold weather; they get cold too! That is why it is important to take steps […]

5 Tips for Boosting Your Pet’s Health

Healthy pets are happier pets. Part of being a responsible pet owner is ensuring that your dog, cat, or other animal is well taken care of and their needs are met. Ensuring that you have adequate time and proper finances to devote to caring for your pet should be a major consideration before adopting. Once […]

Dealing with Your Dog’s Hearing Loss

Whether advanced age, genetics, or a medical condition, there are many reasons why dogs may develop hearing loss or become deaf. But fear not – you are likely more upset by this change than your dog is. Dogs are resilient and learn how to adapt. You can still provide your furry friend with a quality […]