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Keeping Your Pet Safe While Cleaning Your Home

Maintaining a clean home is beneficial for both your physical and mental health, as well as the longevity of your flooring, counters, furniture, appliances, and other assets. But the products that you use play an important role. While you want to select solutions that will remove dirt, grime, bacteria, and stains, you also want to ensure that it is not too harsh for the material it is being used on, or for you and your pet.

Choosing Cleaning Supplies

When you are comparing options for cleaning solutions, make sure you read the labels carefully. Pay attention to any warnings that say they may be dangerous to pets. Dogs and cats can accidentally ingest chemicals by licking floors or chewing on recently cleaned toys. They can also absorb toxins through the pads of their feet or their skin by walking across or laying on damp surfaces. They may end up licking it off of their fur as well. In addition, cleaning products that emit a strong odor can be inhaled and contribute to breathing problems for your pet.

Select products that are natural and pet safe. Read the directions closely to see how to properly use these cleaners and whether they need to be diluted or applied in a certain way. Use only as much as necessary so surfaces don’t become overly saturated and keep the room well ventilated.

Be cautious about using anything that contains bleach, ammonia, chlorine, rubbing alcohol, phenols, and certain essential oils. These chemicals can be potentially toxic to your pets, irritating their skin and making them sick.

Don’t underestimate the power of products such as baking soda and vinegar for household cleaning. When combined, they can create an effervescent effect that penetrates dirt and removes odors while being pet friendly. Lemon juice can be safe and effective too. Look for products that contain enzymes, which can break down organic matter such as urine and eliminate odors.

Cleaning Around Your Pet

Consider keeping your pet in a different room or area of the house if you are using cleaning products. You don’t want them to accidentally ingest any solutions or walk across freshly washed surfaces. If anything spills, wipe it up immediately. Make sure that everything is thoroughly dried and aired out before you allow them back in the room.

Lock up any cleaning products just to be safe, and always tighten the lids once you are done using them. This can keep your pets (and children!) from accessing things they should not. If you use cleaning wipes, dispose of them in a trashcan with a secure lid, especially if your dog has a habit of rooting through the garbage. You don’t want them to snatch a wipe in their mouth that is covered with a cleaning solution as well as dirt and germs.

If you believe that your pet has ingested or come into contact with a potentially hazardous cleaning product, call their veterinarian or a pet poison helpline, or take them to an animal emergency room. Have the product available so you can read off ingredients over the phone, or so the provider can see what toxins your pet may have been exposed to.

Protect Your Pet

Are you planning on deep cleaning your home or simply want to keep your pet safe as you go over different surfaces? Board them at Lake Wylie Pet Resort so you know that they are out of harm’s way and won’t be hovering nearby and getting into things they shouldn’t. Contact us today to reserve your pet’s spot and bring them home to a safe, clean space.