Supporting Your Dog’s Digestive Health

When those big round eyes look up at you, it can be hard to resist sneaking your dog a taste of whatever you’re eating. But too much table food can be hard your dog’s digestive system. They weren’t made to eat the same diet as humans. In addition, some foods can be toxic to your […]
Considerations Before Gifting a Pet This Holiday Season

Who can’t help but light up when they see a heart-warming video of a child receiving a puppy or kitten for Christmas? The excitement is contagious. It’s no wonder so many people choose to adopt over the holidays and add a furry friend to the family. But owning a dog or cat comes with a […]
6 Fun Gifts to Treat Your Pet This Holiday Season

As you’re picking out gifts for family and friends, don’t forget your four-legged family members! They enjoy getting presents too, and it’s always fun to spoil them a bit. Your pet may not be able to tell you what they want, but here are a few gift ideas that are sure to get their attention: […]
Managing Your Dog’s Dry Skin During Winter

Cold air and low humidity don’t just dry out your skin; they can have the same effect on your dog! If you notice your dog is scratching a lot, develops dandruff, or has an oilier than normal coat, it may be caused by dry skin. There are various medical conditions that can contribute to dry […]
Preparing Your Dog for Cold Weather

Temperatures in the Carolinas are quickly falling, and that is leaving many people reaching for their coats and scarves and turning up the heat. Even though your dog is covered in fur, it does not totally protect them from the cold weather; they get cold too! That is why it is important to take steps […]
Caring for a Senior Dog

Before you know it, that energetic little puppy you had has grown into a senior dog. As your pet ages, they may begin to slow down a bit and experience more health problems. Knowing how to care for them as they get older can help ensure they stay as healthy as possible and make the […]
Pet Proofing Your Home for the Holidays

As 2019 winds to a close, there are plenty of holidays to lead the way. From decorating for Halloween to gearing up for New Year’s, your home is likely to go through several décor changes. As you’re getting festive, don’t forget to keep your pet’s safety in mind. There are many things that can pose […]
5 Tips for Boosting Your Pet’s Health

Healthy pets are happier pets. Part of being a responsible pet owner is ensuring that your dog, cat, or other animal is well taken care of and their needs are met. Ensuring that you have adequate time and proper finances to devote to caring for your pet should be a major consideration before adopting. Once […]
Keeping Your Dog Safe for Halloween

As the scary decorations go up, costumes are chosen, and pumpkins are carved, there’s no denying that Halloween is just around the corner. But as you and your family get ready for the festivities, have you considered your four-legged friends? You equip your kids with flashlights, phones, and chaperones, but what are you doing to […]
Dealing with Your Dog’s Hearing Loss

Whether advanced age, genetics, or a medical condition, there are many reasons why dogs may develop hearing loss or become deaf. But fear not – you are likely more upset by this change than your dog is. Dogs are resilient and learn how to adapt. You can still provide your furry friend with a quality […]