Does My Pet Need to Be Vaccinated?

Just as humans benefit from vaccines to protect them against dangerous and potentially deadly diseases, so do pets. There are special vaccines designed to protect your dog or cat against viruses that are dangerous to animals (and even sometimes humans!). Getting your pet vaccinated can keep them safer and healthier. There are several core vaccines […]
Show You Care: Celebrating Pet Appreciation Week

Pets play an important role in our lives. They become another member of the family; a faithful companion. Pets bring us so much joy and comfort, and they deserve to know just how much they are loved. Since 1981, the first full week of June has been celebrated as Pet Appreciation Week. Here are a […]
Preventing Lost Pets: How to Keep Your Dog Safe

Every year, thousands of pets go missing. This can be a pet owner’s worst nightmare, as dogs and cats often become a beloved part of the family. Being proactive about keeping your dog safe can reduce the risk that they might accidentally go missing and increase the chances of finding them if they do. Here […]
How to Help Prevent Cruelty to Animals

There are millions of animals across the United States, many of whom live with families. Others live in shelters, and unfortunately some live out on the streets. But they all deserve to be treated fairly and respectfully. April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month. Whether you have a pet or not, you can play […]
Taking Steps to Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs

You have likely heard of Lyme disease in humans, but did you know that it can affect dogs as well? Lyme disease occurs when a person or dog is bitten by a tick that is carrying the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium. Although it is more common across New England, the northern Mid-Atlantic, and the upper Midwest, […]
Common Items That Can Be Dangerous to Pets

Dogs and cats are curious creatures. They like to explore and get into things. While their sniffing and licking are often harmless, it can become dangerous if they ingest the wrong thing. It is important to be alert to common dangers for pets that may not be dangerous to humans. There are plenty of items […]
Keeping Your Dog Stimulated While You Work from Home

Having people home all day can be exciting for your dog because they may see it as constant play time. There is always someone there to interact with. But if you’re busy trying to work from home, or your kids are engaged in remote learning, your dog can become a distraction. You can’t give them […]
6 Benefits of Doggie Daycare – Even If You Work from Home

Having multiple people together trying to work in one house – whether it’s adults working remotely or students attending virtual school – can be a lot to handle. Adding pets into the mix can make it chaotic. Even if it’s just you and your pup, they may still crave attention or get into mischief while […]
Holiday Hazards for Pets: What to Be Aware of

The holidays are in full swing, and soon Christmas and New Year’s festivities will commence. While this year may be more laid back than years past, there is still plenty of activity that can get your dog or cat in trouble. Be proactive about minimizing dangers and keeping your pet safe. Chocolate and sweets: Dark […]
Celebrating the Holidays with Your Pet

The holiday season has arrived, and families are getting into the spirit. While things may look a little different this year when it comes to gatherings and festivities, you can still have a great time celebrating. Since many families are keeping things small this year, that is even more reason to include your pet in […]