Does My Pet Need to Be Vaccinated?

Just as humans benefit from vaccines to protect them against dangerous and potentially deadly diseases, so do pets. There are special vaccines designed to protect your dog or cat against viruses that are dangerous to animals (and even sometimes humans!). Getting your pet vaccinated can keep them safer and healthier. There are several core vaccines […]
Protecting Your Dog from Fleas and Ticks

These pesky bugs can strike year-round, but they tend to be most active in warm, humid weather. A flea infestation can lead to itching and skin irritation for your dog, and ticks can carry a wide range of diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Taking steps to prevent flea and tick […]
DIY: Frozen Treats for Your Dog

There’s nothing quite like cooling off with an icy treat after being outside in the summer heat. Your pets enjoy a refreshing snack too, and there are a lot of dog-friendly foods that are healthy and delicious (in moderation, of course!). Give your dog something to look forward to this summer by whipping up a […]
Summer Heat: Keep Your Dog Cool and Safe

As the summer heat and humidity crank up, it is important to take steps to keep your dog from overheating. Dogs who are older or overweight may be at even greater risk in high temperatures and have a harder time cooling down on their own. Here are a few ways you can protect your pet’s […]
5 Summer Grooming Tips for Your Dog

With summer temperatures soaring, everyone is looking for ways to keep cool – including your pets! But while you may think your dog is sweating under that thick coat of fur, that may not necessarily be the case. Your dog’s fur acts as an insulator to keep them warm in the winter, but it can […]
Pet Preparedness: Are You Ready for an Emergency?

Not only is June the start of hurricane season, it is also National Pet Preparedness Month. Not a coincidence. Many families plan for what they will do, where they will go, and what they will bring in the event of an emergency, but what about your pets? Have you made considerations for their needs? Whether […]
Show You Care: Celebrating Pet Appreciation Week

Pets play an important role in our lives. They become another member of the family; a faithful companion. Pets bring us so much joy and comfort, and they deserve to know just how much they are loved. Since 1981, the first full week of June has been celebrated as Pet Appreciation Week. Here are a […]
5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

This summer is gearing up to be a hot one in the Southeast. With temperatures soaring, it can be tempting to stay inside, but fresh air is good for you and your pets. The important thing is knowing how to stay safe, keep cool, and recognize signs of danger. Try to avoid going outside during […]
Preparing to Bring Home a Rescue Dog

Introducing a dog into your family can be an incredibly rewarding experience. They can bring so much joy and excitement and love. Adopting a rescue dog gives the animal another chance at finding its forever home. Pets can find their way into a shelter for any number of reasons, some good, some bad. But now […]
6 Tips for Managing Your Dog’s Anxiety

Just as people become anxious, dogs do too. They may become nervous or fearful when left alone, during storms, or around other animals or people. Recognizing triggers for your dog’s anxiety can help you to be proactive in helping them to feel calmer, safer, and more relaxed. When dogs are anxious, they may show it […]