Beat the Heat: Keeping Your Pet Hydrated

Summer temperatures have soared and that can bring about a lot of health concerns for humans and animals alike. One of these issues is dehydration. Did you know that while humans’ bodies are about 60% water, dogs’ bodies are 80% water? Dogs should be drinking about 1 ounce of water for every pound of body […]

Keeping Up Appearances: The Importance of Dog Grooming

First appearances say a lot. If your dog is dirty and unkempt, people may assume that it is not friendly or well cared for. They may be hesitant to interact. However, if your dog has a clean, well-trimmed coat, socialization can be easier. In addition, regular grooming is good for your dog’s health and well-being. […]

Dental Care Tips – For Your Dog!

By this point, you’re probably pretty familiar with the importance of good dental hygiene. You brush your teeth twice a day, visit the dentist twice a year, and make emergency trips if you’re feeling any discomfort. After all, poor oral health can increase your risk of infection, heart disease, gingivitis, tooth loss, and more. Did […]

What Does it Mean to Be a Responsible Pet Owner?

February is Responsible Pet Owners Month, but what does that mean? There are millions of pets across the United States, but not all of them are living in the best conditions or receiving proper care and attention. Being a good pet owner is more than just providing a place to live; it’s making it a […]

Getting a Dog: Are You Ready?

Dogs are fun and cute and exciting, but they are also a lot of work and commitment. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of having a dog, but is now the right time? Just because you want a dog doesn’t necessarily mean that now is the time to do it. You may want to wait a bit […]

5 Reasons to Adopt a Rescue Dog

Did you know that January 24 is “Change a Pet’s Life Day”? This day was created to raise awareness of pets in need of forever homes. There are millions of animals in shelters just waiting to be adopted. Unfortunately, this number keeps growing, and when pets are left for too long, they may be euthanized […]

5 Pet Safety Tips for the Holidays

The holidays are in full swing with the New Year quickly approaching, which means many people have decked out their homes with holiday décor. You may be planning get-togethers with family, friends, or coworkers at your home too. Everyone is in the holiday spirit. However, if you have a dog or cat, all of the […]

Are Human Foods Safe for Dogs?

As you’re sitting down to dinner or eating a snack, it can be tempting to sneak your dog a taste, especially when they look up at you with those big puppy eyes. You may be thinking, “What’s the harm? A little bit won’t hurt.” In some cases, this is true. There are many human foods […]

Protecting Your Dog in Winter Weather

As the days get shorter and temperatures fall, there’s no denying that winter is quickly approaching. That also means that the chances of seeing snow and ice increase. With winter weather on the horizon, it’s important to take steps to protect your dog and keep him warm and safe. Spend more time indoors: If it’s […]

Preparing to Board Your Dog

In a perfect world, you could take your dog with you anywhere, anytime. But in reality, you’re often forced to leave your dog behind for work trips, vacations, or emergencies. When you can’t be with them, you want to ensure that they’re safe and well cared for. Sometimes you may be able to leave them […]