Reducing Holiday Stress for Your Pet

The holidays can be an exciting time for families, but a stressful time for pets. There is a lot of activity, noise, people, and changes going on that can be out of the norm for your dog or cat. As a result, this can make them feel anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed. They may start acting […]
DIY Toys Ideas to Keep Your Cat Entertained

Cats are naturally playful and inquisitive animals. If you’ve ever dropped something on the floor, you know how quickly they run to bat it around. Empty paper bag? They’re eager to explore and squeeze inside. While you can buy plenty of fancy toys to keep your cat entertained, there are also many low-cost options you […]
Protecting Your Pets Against Heartworm Disease

Keeping your pets safe and healthy is part of your responsibility as their owner. There are things you do every day to protect their well-being such as giving them nutritious food and clean water, putting them on a leash when you go outside, not leaving them alone in the car, keeping potentially dangerous or toxic […]
Cutting Down on Hairballs

Cleaning up hairballs is not the most glamorous way to spend your day, but it is a fairly normal part of being a cat owner. Cats tend to be pretty frequent and vigorous groomers, spending time carefully licking and smoothing their fur. Their tongues have a rough surface that helps remove loose fur from their […]
9 Tips to Be a More Responsible Pet Owner

February is Responsible Pet Owner Month, and we’re taking a closer look at what that means and how you can improve your efforts. Owning a pet is a significant responsibility, as you are committing to caring for and loving your pet for the duration of their life. Before adopting a pet, make sure you consider […]
Tips for Dealing with Pet Dandruff

Have you noticed your dog or cat’s skin has gotten a little flaky? Are they scratching more or simply leaving dandruff wherever they lay? There can be many causes of dandruff, so it’s a good idea to talk to your veterinarian to ensure there is not a more serious medical issue to blame. But in […]
Is a Pet the Right Holiday Gift This Year?

Adding a pet to your family can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Dogs and cats can have such a positive impact on your life. But it is important to ensure you are adopting a pet at the right time so your family and the animal can have the best experience possible. Many children ask for […]
Home Alone: Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe

Whether you work in an office during the day or just have errands to run, your dog will be faced with spending time alone. Making this part of your routine and avoiding long, drawn out goodbyes can help reduce separation anxiety. Create an environment where your dog knows they have everything they need and that […]
Preparing Your Cat for Boarding

Cats are fairly independent animals, but they still rely on their owners for their basic needs, such as a clean litter box, fresh water, and daily food. They are also social creatures – even if it is on their own terms. Your cat may not like to snuggle in your lap, but you’ll probably find […]
Welcoming Your New Kitten to Your Home

Adopting a kitten can be exciting because you get to watch it grow, develop, and become part of your family for years to come. But you can’t just bring a new kitten home and set it free. It is important to prepare and slowly introduce your pet to its surroundings so it can become acclimated […]