Keeping Cool: Summer Grooming Tips for Dogs

The summer heat can be brutal, and giving your dog a buzz cut to remove their thick fur can seem like the perfect solution to keep them cool. While this is an effective strategy for some dogs, it’s not the best idea for all dogs. And if you cut their fur too short, it exposes their skin to the sun and increases their risk of sunburn. A slightly longer coat is good for providing some protection.

Dogs with double layer coats such as labradors, huskies, and Pomeranians actually benefit from these layers of fur to naturally help them regulate their temperature. Shaving them can do more harm than good. Instead, talk to your groomer about the best haircut for these types of dogs and how you can manage their undercoat over the summer.

Getting Your Dog Trimmed

A fresh haircut can make your dog feel more youthful and help them beat the heat. Know your breed and which style and length works best for them during warmer weather. Some dogs naturally have shorter hair and can benefit from a trim while others need more length taken off and their fur thinned out a bit.

Engage in Regular Brushing

Not only does thorough brushing feel good on your dog’s skin, it also keeps them from developing knots and matting. Matted fur can trap heat and moisture close to their skin increasing their risk for infection and irritation. Gently brush out these tangles. For tough ones, try using a bit of dog conditioner on them and working it through to loosen the knots.

Brushing also removes loose hair from shedding. For dogs with thick coats, it can help them stay cooler because you’re getting rid of some of the buildup of fur. Brushing also stimulates oil production. This keeps your dog’s skin healthy and coat shiny.

Take Care of Their Paws

The pads on your dog’s paws are sensitive. When going outside, you’ll want to check that the pavement is not too hot or try to stay on the grass. Even dirt paths can take a toll on your dog’s feet. Check between their toes for any pebbles or debris that may have gotten caught and carefully trim any overgrown hair. Invest in some pad wax or balm that you can use to keep their feet moisturized and protected. If your dog tolerates it, you can put doggie booties on before they go outside.

Protect Their Skin

Periodic baths are a good way to keep your dog’s fur clean and remove any built up dirt, but you don’t want to bathe them too often because you’ll strip away the natural oils on their skin. You can always do some spot cleaning on their feet or body instead of a full wash and dry.

If your dog’s fur is cut short or they have a thin coat, you’ll want to be cautious about spending too much time in the sun. Apply sunscreen that is developed especially for dogs to keep them from getting burned. You can try putting on a pet shirt that has built-in SPF defense.

Keep your dog looking and feeling their best this summer by getting them groomed at Lake Wylie Pet Resort. Get the right cut for their breed and activity level to keep them cool and protected. Don’t forget that you can schedule your dog’s grooming appointment while they’re boarded so that they’re trimmed and styled when you pick them up. Contact us today to book your dog’s appointment!