Adopting a puppy can be exciting and make your family feel more complete. Before you bring home a new dog, ensure that you have plenty of time to devote to training and paying attention to its needs and what it is doing. You don’t want to leave a puppy crated for hours when it is first adjusting to your home. Also, double-check that the whole family is on board, and everyone is going to do their part.
Once you have picked out your puppy, it is time to welcome them into your home and your life. Here are some tips for getting started on the right foot:
1. Register and ID your pup.
As soon as you get your new puppy, you will want to fit them with a collar or harness and identification tags. It is also a good idea to consider microchipping them for an added layer of safety. Fill out any paperwork necessary to register them with your state (if required) and get them set up with a veterinarian’s office.
2. Prepare your home.
In the days leading up to your puppy’s arrival, get your house in order. Remember that puppies are energetic and everything is brand new to them, so they will want to explore. Pick up anything that you don’t want your dog to chew on or rummage through. Secure any cords or wires out of the way, and block off any areas they will not be allowed in. Decide where you are going to keep their crate or bed, their food and water dishes, and their toys. Is there a certain spot outside you are using as a potty area?
3. Start training early.
Develop a routine and expectations, and stick with them. If your puppy is not allowed on the couch, then don’t let them up – no exceptions. Take them outside for potty breaks every hour or so and go to the same area. Reward them for going to the bathroom outside, but don’t punish them for accidents indoors. If your puppy starts biting, tell them no and stop whatever play or action is going on for a few minutes.
It is also a good idea to start crate training right away too unless your puppy is going to have free reign of the house all the time. Leave the crate door open and let them go in and out as they please. Leave them alone in their crate for very short periods of time, then slowly increase until they’re used to being by themselves while you are away. Remember that you should not leave your puppy alone for more than a couple hours. As they get older, you can leave them for longer.
4. Socialize your puppy.
Spend time playing with your puppy so they get used to being around your family. Take them to the dog park or on walks around the neighborhood so they meet other dogs and people too. Doggie daycare can also be a great way to let them socialize with dogs that are similar in size and temperament while also being around other people and burning off excess energy. They will get to run and play and then come home ready to relax. In addition, boarding can help them get used to being away from you but in a safe, structured environment.
Lake Wylie Pet Resort offers both doggie daycare and overnight boarding, as well as grooming. Contact us today to learn more about signing your puppy up. We can’t wait to meet them!