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4 Reasons to Sign Your Dog up for Doggie Daycare

Owning a dog can be a lot of fun. You have an immediate best friend and someone who adores your attention. You have a playmate to play catch in the yard or go on runs. You have a companion when you go to the outdoor café down the street or just want to curl up and watch a movie.

But dogs can also be a lot of work. They rely on you for food and water, to take them outside, and to ensure they get enough physical activity.  They want you to pay attention to them and play with them, no matter how tired or busy you may be. How can you keep up with all of their needs while also meeting your own?

Sign them up for doggie daycare.

While this is not a solution for every issue you may face, there can be a lot of wonderful benefits for you and your pup.

  1. It provides entertainment and interaction.

Some dogs are fine staying home all day, but many become bored and restless. This can mean they start bad habits like chewing on your belongings or barking at any noises they hear. Doggie daycare provides opportunities for your dog to play with toys, run around outside, and get the stimulation they crave. They are also able to interact with not only other dogs, but also humans, so they’re not alone all day.

  1. It’s a chance to socialize.

Your dog will encounter other dogs of all sizes and personalities helping them to adjust more quickly and learn acceptable behavior. This can help when you want to take your dog out in public with you or to the dog park because they’ll be more used to interacting with other dogs. There’s not much opportunity to develop social skills when they’re spending all day alone, but at doggie daycare, you may find their personality really comes out.

  1. It provides exercise.

Does your dog jump and run around as soon as you get home? Are they eager to go outside and or play a game of fetch? While at doggie daycare, they’ll have lots of opportunities to play alone, in small groups, with specific types of toys or equipment, and also with objects of their choosing. Of course, there is also time for them to rest and recharge. Many people find that their dogs are tired out by the time they get home and much calmer and less demanding in the evening. This can allow you to spend more time enjoying their company instead of running around trying to burn off some of their energy.

  1. It gives you some peace.

If you work from home full-time or even just on occasion, the last thing you want is to be on a business call or trying to finish an important project and have your dog barking or whining in the background. It can be distracting when they are fighting for your attention or always looking to go outside because they’re bored or need to use the bathroom. A few hours at doggie daycare can give you some peace to get work done while knowing your pet is being well cared for and entertained.

Doggie daycare is a great option for keeping your pet active, stimulated, and socialized during times when you can’t be there with them. Instead of leaving them home alone all day, sign them up for a few days a week or month for a change of scenery and something different to do. Both you and your dog will reap the benefits and be more appreciative of the time you get to spend together. Learn more about doggie daycare options at Lake Wylie Pet Resort by contacting us today!